mudP1E Lab

Given the complex relationships among all three of the earth’s primary resources — the nexus of food, energy and water — meeting these future demands will require thinking in terms of systems, not silos. It will take collaborative approaches that embrace rather than battle natural processes. And it will mean new technologies and approaches to everything from bio-fuels to desalination to meet the needs of the world population.

- Population Milestone

The mudP1E lab (pronounced mudpie) was created in 2003 to start again with new science thinking only using “daylight” not sunlight as the primary fuel source to look at advanced nanotechnology applications in Food, Energy and Water resouce technologies.
Daylight is available 365 days of the year everywhere in the world, sunlight is not. Daylight energy is the only sustainable future which can include everyone equally. It has taken 10 years to start perfecting some breakthrough technologies that will change the way we become sustainable but they are available now and more will follow.
For example, if you look at the energy sector, have you ever wondered how old the current “mechanical science” renewable energy technologies actually are ?
100 AD – Wind Turbine – Heron of Greece built the first Wind Turbines to power machines. (1,900 years ago)
1839 – Solar PV – Edmund Becquerel, a french physicist discovered the Photovoltaic Effect with an electric solar cell. (174 years ago)
1855 – Heat pump Technology – Peter Von Rittenger develops and builds the first heat pump after Lord Kelvin devises the theory in 1850. (158 years ago)
1891 – Solar Hot Water – The first Solar Hot Water collectors developed and sold by the California Light box Company, the flat plate collectors of today. (122 years ago)
1893 – Bio Diesel – Rudolf Diesel perfected the Bio Diesel engine designed to run on peanut oil but it would be more than 100 years later before people would hear about it. (120 years ago)
1911 – (CSP) Concentrating Solar Power- Schuman created a solar plant in Maadi (Egypt, 1912) which was designed in 5 rows of 62 m of parabolic mirrors for a total output of 88 kW!, and most people believe this is a brand new technology. (102 years ago)
It surprises people to find out how “old” some “newly” marketed technologies actually are. There is an illusion that many of the current renewable technologies are recent and new breakthroughs, when most of them are based on very old science and technology developed over 100 years ago. “That was before we even invented the motor car”.

Key New Science & Technology

The Lab takes key new approaches in nanotechnology science and applies it to the production of water, energy and food. The link between all three vital resources is well known. You need water and energy to make food. You need energy to make water. You need water and food to feed the people who make the energy. They are cross-linked and when energy costs increase, so does food and water and so on.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve studying and working with matter on an ultra-small scale. Nanoscience and nanotechnology encompass a range of techniques rather than a single discipline, and stretch across the whole spectrum of science, touching medicine, physics, engineering and chemistry.
Nanotechnology is the science of the extremely tiny. It involves the study and use of materials on an unimaginably small scale. Nano refers to a nanometre (nm). One nanometre is a millionth of a millimetre or about one eighty thousandth the width of a human hair.
Nanotechnology describes many diverse technologies and tools, which don’t always appear to have much in common! Therefore it is better to talk about nanotechnologies, in the plural.
One thing that all nanotechnologies share is the tiny dimensions that they operate on. They exploit the fact that, at this scale, materials can behave very differently from when they are in larger form. Nanomaterials can be stronger or lighter, or conduct heat or electricity in a different way.
To date the lab has already had huge success with delivering it’s Thermal HONE nanotechnology, which is a superb advanced Nanotechnology renewable heating & cooling energy science designed to replace Heat Pumps and Solar Hot Water panels of which both are well over 100 year old technology. HONE is a gamechanger in terms of free energy systems and is highly efficient in comparison to the old mechanical heat exchange science. HONE technology is so powerful, it is more efficient in cloudy weather than Concentrating Solar Power or Parabolic systems are in direct sunshine in its temperature design range.
In ongoing development: The Lab is developing other advanced free energy nanotechnologies such as Hyper Cooling, Electricity Generation using cold water and advanced nanotechnology, Amplified DeSalination Water Systems and many more new fascinating science technologies. Some of these are already in the field being secretly tested and will appear commercially over the next 10 years.

NanoMechanics 101

Nanomechanics is a branch of nanoscience studying fundamental mechanical (elastic, thermal and kinetic) properties of physical systems at the nanometer scale. Nanomechanics has emerged on the crossroads of classical mechanics, solid-state physics, statistical mechanics, materials science, and quantum chemistry. As an area of nanoscience, nanomechanics provides a scientific foundation of nanotechnology.
Nanomechanics is that branch of nanoscience,which deals with the study and application of fundamental mechanical properties of physical systems at the nanoscale, like elastic, thermal, kinetic.
Often, nanomechanics is viewed as a branch of nanotechnology, i.e., an applied area with a focus on the mechanical properties of engineered nanostructures and nanosystems (systems with nanoscale components of importance). Examples of the latter include nanoparticles, nanopowders, nanowires, nanorods, nanoribbons, nanotubes, including carbon nanotubes (CNT) and boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs); nanoshells, nanomebranes, nanocoatings, nanocomposite/nanostructured materials, ] (fluids with dispersed nanoparticles); nanomotors, etc.
Some of the well-established fields of nanomechanics are: nanomaterials, nanotribology (friction, wear and contact mechanics at the nanoscale), nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), and nanofluidics.
As a fundamental science, nanomechanics is based on some empirical principles (basic observations): 1) general mechanics principles; 2) specific principles arising from the smallness of physical sizes of the object of study or research.
General mechanics principles include:
Due to smallness of the studied object, nanomechanics also accounts for:
These principles serve to provide a basic insight into novel mechanical properties of nanometer objects. Novelty is understood in the sense that these properties are not present in similar macroscale objects or much different from the properties of those (e.g., nanorods vs. usual macroscopic beam structures). In particular, smallness of the subject itself gives rise to various surface effects determined by higher surface-to-volume ratio of nanostructures, and thus affects mechanoenergetic and thermal properties (melting point, heat capacitance, etc.) of nanostructures. Discreteness serves a fundamental reason, for instance, for the dispersion of mechanical waves in solids, and some special behavior of basic elastomechanics solutions at small scales. Plurality of degrees of freedom and the rise of thermal fluctuations are the reasons for thermal tunneling of nanoparticles through potential barriers, as well as for the cross-diffusion of liquids and solids. Smallness and thermal fluctuations provide the basic reasons of the Brownian motion of nanoparticles. Increased importance of thermal fluctuations and configuration entropy at the nanoscale give rise to superelasticity, entropic elasticity (entropic forces), and other exotic types of elasticity of nanostructures. Aspects of configuration entropy are also of great interest in the context self-organization and cooperative behavior of open nanosystems.
Quantum effects determine forces of interaction between individual atoms in physical objects, which are introduced in nanomechanics by means of some averaged mathematical models called interatomic potentials.
Subsequent utilization of the interatomic potentials within the classical multibody dynamics provide deterministic mechanical models of nano structures and systems at the atomic scale/resolution. Numerical methods of solution of these models are called molecular dynamics (MD), and sometimes molecular mechanics (especially, in relation to statically equilibrated (still) models). Nondeterministic numerical approaches include Monte-Carlo, Kinetic More-Carlo (KMC), and other methods. Contemporary numerical tools include also hybrid multiscale approaches allowing concurrent or sequential utilization of the atomistic scale methods (usually, MD) with the continuum (macro) scale methods (usually, field emission microscopy) within a single mathematical model. Development of these complex methods is a separate subject of applied mechanics research.
Quantum effects (quantum mechanics) also determine novel electrical, optical and chemical properties of nanostructures, and therefore they find even greater attention in adjacent areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology, such as nanoelectronics, advanced energy systems, and nanobiotechnology.


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